从 John 的信中感悟十年职场:感恩母校与公司的相伴

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I I was asked by my alma mater(母校), the University of Notre Dame(门多萨商学院,全美前30), to participate in a project to support this year’s class of first-year undergraduate students. I’m a strong believer in lifelong learning and the work KPMG is doing to advance literacy throughout the world, so I was eager to offer some advice to first-year students by writing a short “Letter to my Freshman Self”. The letter, which I’ve posted below, is a reflection on things I wished I knew when I started my university education, and is appearing in a book alongside contributions from other Notre Dame alum. The book will be given to this year’s first-year students as they embark upon their studies.


Dear John,

Welcome to your freshman year at Notre Dame. You’ve just moved out of your hometown and are getting ready to start your journey toward becoming a successful accountant, an influential philanthropist, a dedicated leader, a husband and a father.

离开家乡,开始大学生活,对很多人来说意味着真正的独立。John对自己的定位是成功的会计师,有影响力的慈善家,尽职的领袖,丈夫和父亲。那我们对自己的定义是什么呢?当此生走到尽头职场farewell letter,我们希望自己在别人的眼中是怎样的一个人?____________ 结合自己的各种身份,我希望自己是一位有影响力的公益工作者,不可或缺的事业伙伴,让人成长的领导,孝顺的女儿,独一无二的好妻子,合格的母亲。

You’re probably a little nervous, and that’s normal: but you’ve got a strong foundation that will serve you well in the coming years. You’ve learned the value of hard work from your dad, working long hours in his small business. You’ve recognized that your friends, family and mentors – the people who know you best – have helped steer you toward a career in business. And you’ve already seen that working on projects that give you a sense of purpose make you go the extra mile.


So now what? Well, the hard work will continue. Yes, it’s going to be a grueling few years, but the payoff will be worth it. Your relationships? They will only become more important, and will help you create connections in the business world that will help model great leadership behavior. And the desire to have a purpose? You don’t know it yet, but this will be something that will continually challenge you and will ultimately make you a better decision-maker and leader.


放弃比坚持更容易,但只有坚持才能成就伟大。记得有次我去参加垂直马拉松,到10层楼的时候就想下撤了,没有朋友陪伴,一个人好没意思,但是工作人员说要到20层才可以下撤,那我又被迫坚持了10层;结果到了20层楼,工作人员又说“人不够的,要等多些,才可以一起撤。你可以先去50层,领取个半程完善证明吧?” 不喜欢干等的我又坚持了30层,奔着比较近的那个目标去了,结果到了50层楼的时候,人就是这样,一半都坚持下来了,那就此放弃好不甘心,于是我调整心态,听着“小苹果”等我能找到的high歌,一路慢慢的坚持到了100层楼顶。是我有潜力吗?是的,而且这潜力我们每个人都有,对于自己喜欢的选择,请选择比放弃困难n倍的坚持。

Speaking of leadership, you’re going to become a leader fairly early in your career.


You’ll join a reputable accounting firm right out of college that will challenge you to make tough choices – and will definitely lead to tough conversations with clients who will try to sway your moral compass. Leading by example in these ‘grey area’ situations will show others that you are confident, informed and diplomatic, and will give you the opportunity to be pushed into continually more complex projects that require a strong leader. Say yes to these opportunities because while they will help you grow, they will also let you work alongside and develop relationships with some pretty smart people.

我们需要证明自己的能力,才会有机会被赋予更高更难的挑战和任务。勇于尝试,这会让你成长,与非常聪明的人有机会共事。自2012年加入企业社会责任部门以来,我也做了些可圈可点的事儿,连续很多年美商会得奖,推动了运动类筹款(例如“一个鸡蛋暴走”,“小小暴走”)在公司的推广,让“以物易物”成为暑期实习生的明星体验,从上海到北京,还有toastmasters俱乐部的创立,以及义务咨询和新项目的开展。我想换了任何另外一家公司,我可能都不会做成这些事儿。我深深的知道, kobe的厦门马拉松筹款,duncan的雪山登顶挑战,david的好多次暴走,william的全力支持,就是公司最棒的地方,让我有机会,和这些优秀的人一起,去刷新一个个历史,去让kpmg,变的更有温度。不论我在不在,有这些人在,一切都是一样的。

As you take on more senior roles, you will begin to hate business travel (airplanes will fly faster, but airplane food will get worse!) but will love the face-to-face meetings. You will learn how to bring people together and how to navigate around corporate politics in order to accomplish great things. Watch how leaders ahead of you form teams of high-performing people and witness the power of those teams when each person is respected for both who they are as well as what they are capable of.

职位更高,我们可能更喜欢面对面的会议。你了解怎样将大家聚在一起职场farewell letter,避开纷繁的企业政治的干扰,做成伟大的事儿吗?可以通过观察那些真正的领袖,她们如何组建高绩效的团队,他们如何让所有的人各尽其才?领导并不是天生的,是需要终身学习的一种技能。现在的我,难免有的时候会有架子和脾气。我们都知道熟人好办事儿的道理,但如果你碰上一个新手,不知道你是谁,照章办事,那你还真的没脾气。于是乎,一句“我要找你们领导。”,领导好忙的。那么机灵的小朋友,就会感受的到这种情绪,可能开始是自己多找找自己的领导,到后面了就变成业务一把手了。

Finally, learn to embrace technology, and continually think about how technology will change your profession in the coming years. (I should mention, the world will have something called an ‘iPad’ in about 30 years, and it will make you more efficient, and your briefcase lighter than you can imagine).


Don’t forget to enjoy your time at Notre Dame, even when you are no longer in school, you will still be part of the Notre Dame family. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and the relationships and skills you develop will serve you for the rest of your career.

我觉得,凡是懂的感恩,念旧情的人,都是聪明的。在我在毕马威的这十年,我收到了许许多多的farewell letter,各有各的才华横溢,总有那么多说不完的感想,这就对了。很多人参加过志愿者活动(支教、唇腭裂免费手术等)后离开了,带着一份值得一生珍藏的回忆,开心的离开,这就挺好的。有容乃大。也许也有这样那样的不如意,但是现实就是,可能你会得到朋友的一些附和,但其实她们的无奈和同情并不是你真正想要的。还是开开心心的,收好自己的不满,接受祝福,做个让人快乐的朋友比较好。


P.S. Remember that beautiful, intelligent girl you chatted with last week during freshman orientation? Her name is Beth. I suggest you get to know her.


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