英语书面语面试常常出现疑问及回答 (英语 书面语)

面试技巧 0 11




Type 1: “Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?”

“You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work. You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.”

Type 2: “Why did you leave your last job?”

(Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer)

“I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job”

Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?”

”As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together. My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success. I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them”

Type 4: “What skills have you developed in your previous roles?”

“During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company. This gave me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation works”

Type 5: “Would you be willing to travel in this job?”

“I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to travel. I am more than willing to do this”

Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?”

“It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”

Type 7: “What suggestions do you have for our organisation?”

“Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your competitors, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”

Type 8: “What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”

“Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made, so that I could succeed. I now do everything I can to make them proud of me”


me about yourself.




I really like the hotel industry, I think the hotel is my best friend.


are your three greatest strengths?

回答这个疑问的`时刻无法以模糊不清,无法以只是便捷回答“I’m really organized, punctual and get along well with others.”



“I think my strongest strengths are aggressive, hard working and communicative.”


are your three greatest weaknesses?



are you interested in working for our hotel?


因此不要以“It seemed like a good career move”为开局。

假设能有一些实践疑问回答的话,就会更大水高山得分,可以这样回答:“I read an article in the newspaper and was very impressed by……”然而前提是你必定真的对这家酒店作了钻研,同时也要留意,不要让面试官感觉你是为了讨好面试官而夸大其词,这样只会大失所望。

we hire you, how long will you stay with us?


“As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities.”


you have any questions for me?


应聘者必定要提早预备很多无关这个酒店详细状况的疑问,最好能够触及到他们业务上取得的效果,比如说:“I learned that your hotel has seen tremendous growth in recent years. I’m keen to know how you made such a success.”







①I:what is your major?

A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested inMarketing.


②I:Which university are you attending?

A:I am attending×××University.

③I:Have you received any degrees?

A:Yes. First, I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.

④I:What course did you like best?

A:project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think its very useful for my present work.

⑤I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

A:Yes, I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.


①I:Have you ever been employed?

②I:Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?

A:I worked in a foreign for one ,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

③I:Have you done any work in this field?

④I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

⑤I:What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥I:Whats you major weak point?

A:I havent been involved in international business, so I dont have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?(瞎话实说好了,不用客气,但应留意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

⑧I:please tell me about your working experience.

⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

A:No, I havent discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.


①I:How do you spend your spare time?

②I:Are you interested in sports?

③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

④I:What kind of personality do you think you have?

A:I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something, I dont like to leave it halfdone. I cant concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be happy?

A:Different people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknit, and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am.

⑥I:What makes you angry?

A:Dishonesty. Its unacceptable.

⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?

A:Im afraid Im a poor talker. Im not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?

A:I dont try to lead people. Id rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.


①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

A:Yes, in most circumstances.

②I:Are you available for travel?

A:Yes, I like traveling. I am young, and unmarried. Its no problem for me to travel frequently.

③I:How about overtime work?

A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if its necessary, but I dont think we will work overtime everyday.

④I:How long do you think we can depend on your working here?

⑤I:Do you like regular work?

A:No, I dont like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challenge, but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

⑥I:What salary do you expect

A:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

⑦I:Do you work well under pressure

A:Working under pressure is exciting and challenging. I dont mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. people can, I Can.

⑧I:Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

A:No,nothing in particular.

⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?

A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.


①I:Any questions?

A:When will I know your decision?

②I:How can we get in touch with you?

③I:We will notify you of our decision by mail, is this convenient for you?

④I:Thank you for your interest in our company.

A:Thank you, . Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)

⑤I:You will be hearing from us very soon. please send the next applicantin on your way out.

you very much.








Its the question we all dread.


Sometimes it comes up in the first interview, and sometimes hiring managers hold it until the very end. But it always comes. What were you earning at your last job?


For job seekers, this question should keep you up at night, since it has the potential to negatively affect your income for your entire career.


That means if you accepted too little or didnt negotiate early on, one bad salary move follows you to each next job.


How are you ever going to increase your earnings if every time you change jobs, you get a tiny raise over what they paid you at the last place? writes Liz Ryan, founder of one consulting firm.


“We’ve gotten used to the idea that the question ‘What were you earning before?’ from a prospective employer is perfectly reasonable. Its not, of course. Your personal finances are your business.”




So how do you avoid the fateful question without hurting your chances of landing the job?


Ryan advises answering it indirectly by giving your target salary range instead.


If the interviewer asks for your previous salary a second time, Ryan says you can simply respond that youd prefer not to give it.


It will likely be uncomfortable the first few times you do it, but remember that most services are not valued by what another customer previously paid for them.


As Ryan writes, When we call the plumber because our tub drain is clogged, we dont ask, ‘What did you charge the guy down the block to unclog his drain last week? If we do, the plumber is going to say, ‘My rate is $95 an hour. Do you want me to come over or not?


Setting and sticking to a reasonable rate for your services will actually make you a more appealing job candidate, and in the long run, youll make more money.





What is your greatest strength? is one of the easier interview questions youll be asked. When you are asked questions about your strengths, its important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job.



The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.


Sample Answers:


1. When Im working on a project, I dont want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

2. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and Ive earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.

2. 每个季度,我都超额实现开售指标。


3. My time management skills are excellent and Im organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.

3. 我有很强的期间治理才干,做事有条理,效率很高,并能杰出的实现上班,我对此充溢自豪感。

4. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

4. 我对自己客服才干以及处置艰巨状况的才干十分自豪。



It’s the job interview of your life and you need to come up with something fast. Mental pictures of words are mixing in your head and your tongue tastes like alphabet soup. You mutter words like “deterministic” or “innovativity” and you realize you’re drenched in sweat. You wish you had thought about this. You wish you had read this post before.





Here are 10 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself. Choose the ones that describe you the best.



“I am someone who…”:


1. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.”

1. “可以顺应任何环境的人。


2. “consistently innovates to create value. I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success.”

2. “有翻新才干的人。


3. “leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence. I expect no more from the others than what I expect from myself.”

3. “有指导才干的人。



4. “always has an eye on my target. I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time. Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.”

4. “专一于指标的人。



5. “knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.”

5. “充沛了解这份上班的人。



6. “has a high level of motivation to work here. I have studied the entire company history and observed its business strategies. Since I am also a long-time customer, I took the opportunity to write this report with some suggestions for how to improve your services.”

6. “有很强动机在这儿上班的人。



7. “has a pragmatic approach to things. I don’t waste time talking about theory or the latest buzz words of the bullshit bingo. Only one question matters to me: ‘Does it work or not?’”

7. “能实践处置疑问的人。



8. “takes work ethics very seriously. I do what I am paid for, and I do it well.”

8. “十分器重职业操守的人。


9. “can make decisions rapidly if needed. Everybody can make good decisions with sufficient time and information. The reality of our domain is different. Even with time pressure and high stakes, we need to move forward by taking charge and being decisive. I can do that.”

9. “在须要的状况下,可以极速做选择的人。





10. “is considered to be ‘fun.’ I believe that we are way more productive when we are working with people with which we enjoy spending time. When the situation gets tough with a customer, a touch of humour can save the day.”

10. “一个幽默的人。





1. “Tell me about how you handled a conflict situation you encountered.”


“I sat down with the other person and asked him to discuss his issues with me. I then gave my side of the story.”


2. “What books or magazines do you read?”


“A trade journal relevant to the company’s line of business.”


3. “What motivates you?”


“A challenge and interesting work.”


4. “Where do you plan to be in five years time?”


“Your company structure makes me hope I could become a staff engineer.”


5. “What changes have you made in your life that you are most proud of?”


“I went back to college to study for my MBA.”


6. “What are your salary requirements?”


“Salary is not my primary consideration but I do have to pay the bills, so I am open to any reasonable offer.”


7. “What are some of your major weaknesses?”


“I am generally nervous giving presentations but, with preparation, I have found I am much more confident.”


8. “Are you being interviewed by any other companies?”


“I do have some other options, in this particular field, but this company is my first choice.”


9. “If you had to compare yourself with any animal; which one would it be and why?”


“A lion because although they are independent, they also work well within their group.”


10. “Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork?”


“When I was at college my basketball coach taught me to pass the ball, if it was to my team’s advantage. So now I always look out for my team mates.”






How do you do? Im John West.

2.不好心思,我叫西德尼·卡森。Excuse me, my name is Sidney Carson.

3.我来引见一下自己,我姓沈。Id like to introduce myself. My last name is Shen.

4.容我做一下自我引见,我是麦琪。Let me introduce myself. Im Maggie.

5.我先做一下自我引见:大卫·埃默里,英语系主任。First, let me introduce myself, David Emory, director of the English Department.

6.叫我鲍勃就可以了。Just call me Bob.



I dont think weve met before. Im Nancy.

8.我在MD公司的人事部上班。Im in the Personnel Department of MD Company.


Introducing Oneself 自我引见

Nancy: Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Nancy.



Simon: Nice to meet you. Im Simon. I dont think Ive seen you around before.




Nancy: No. I just started working here at IBM. Im in the Sales Department.




Simon: What do you do there?


Nancy: Im in market research. And you?


Simon: Ive been with IBM for years. Im Mr. Fields personal assistant. Hes the After-sales Service Director. Hes such a nice boss. I like working for him.






Nancy: Really? I dont believe Ive met him. Is he here now?


Simon: Yes, thats him over there, the tall and handsome one. Would you like me to introduce you?


Nancy: Thanks. That would be lovely. Youre right. He is kind of nice-looking.




