关于职场女性弱势英语作文 (关于职场女性的文章)

职场话题 0 20



Gender equality, and perhaps will never be realized, since any time things were not fully balanced. Men and women born on physiological differences in the social division of labor is a difference. As a female, I have to admit that the men in the area of rational logical thinking than females, In many areas of the male imagination and high-tech research and development capability to significantly stronger in women! obvious fact : in schools inside, mathematics, physics, chemistry category of disciplines player always boys, who surprised the political arena is often scold men, and the female is quite limited! ! ! Read an original expression : how both women for freedom, equal rights, which are given to men. It is economic strength decisions status, which both meet in a country, similarly to the formation of a community in each family. In fact, women now have a lot to fight for the rights of some even too radical. I remember when I graduated from the University of papers on the theme of contemporary domestic violence new trend -- now husband abuse atrocities popular, many women have cast off the image of woman, but to the level of Mulaohu female hooligans ferocious image, Ha-ha, perhaps one day with the development of economy and science and technology and constantly changing social, We may also return to the matriarchal society of Kazakhstan Ha! ! ! ! ! ! ! To the world all women are happy! ! ! ! . I can only say that men and women are not equal to what inequality, can rely on their own ability to make the sub-issues, so a necessary, on how to make their ! ! !


I believe I am qualified to this job, for my rich knowledge, good English and the most important - team work.I had been working in a joint venture as a salesman.I had been working in a securities company for 3 years.I am hardworking, responsible and experienced.


在职场完成的方法 英语作文

In modern life, especially the high-speed development of the era, emerged in many professional women, they succeeded in business, can say they really great. In this competitive exergue, to do a successful woman really not easy, should not only have a certain human care, also need to have their ability, etc, are all very key.


Give foreigner teacher said:Different culture will get the different problem 来跟你解释不同的文明将会给你一些不同的思想形式? 首先,本国人不会将私生存和上班挂钩,可是,在中国,若你的公家话题被公诸于世,你在职场下面将会带来很大的费事,理想上,我不青睐娓娓而谈与这些疑问,共事,只可以坚持距离,任何公家话题,不议论.中国人极端不青睐隐衷被公诸于世,普通下级治理层,也不会随便的让下属知道他的团体隐衷话题.被公诸于世将会使他们气急败坏,意外愤怒. 其次,在中国,本国人的思想形式和中国人会有一些区别.中国人由于社会福利不好,退休后的养老机制普通都不咱的,活得长一点的3,4千,活得短一点的2,3千.所以,关于中国人来说,上班很关键,并且,钱也是比拟关键的.所以,简直每个有责任心的中国人,都有存钱的习气.另外,你或者有所不知,在中国,50万的贷款是当银行破产以后能够赔给你的一切贷款,也就是说,当你有100万,银行开张,你只能够拿到50万. 再次,中国式的家庭普通很少采取AA制的生存流程,包含外出吃饭,普通都是男子买单,我就很厌恶AA制,难道家里买个西瓜回去,还一人付一半吗?示意不可了解.然而,显些,在中国,有些女性男子是可以这样接受AA制. 最后,在中国,简直人人都有买房的看法.这一点,也雷同要说到咱们国野生老机制,福利不好所以人人都宿愿买房,有一个稳固的家.总结:在本国人和中国人的联合中,会有许多的疑问,但前提条件就是相互有一颗容纳,忍受的心,来相互耐烦的磨合.你想,中国人和中国人两个不同的人,两个不同的家庭联合都一样会发生很多的疑问,更不要说是跨国恋呢! How to express to you different culture will give you some different thinking? To explain to you a different culture will give you some different ways of thinking? First of all, the foreigner will not private life and work hook, but, in China private topic, if you have been made public, you bring a lot of trouble, in your workplacewill as a matter of fact, I didnt like speak with fervour and assurance and these problems, colleagues, can only keep a distance, any private topic, dont talk about. Chinese extremely didnt like privacy was made public, general upper management, will not easily let subordinates know his personal privacy issue. Beknown to the general public will make them get desperation, very angry. Secondly, in the China, foreigners mode of thinking and Chinese there will be some difference. Chinese because the social welfare is good, retirement pensionmechanism generally is not God, live a long time 3,4 thousand, live a shorter 2,. So, for Chinese, work is very important, and, the money is important. So,almost every responsible Chinese, have the habit of saving money. In addition,you may or may not know, in China, of the deposit is when the bankafter bankruptcy can compensate for all your deposit, that is to say, when you have , bank failures, you can only get . Once again, Chinese style family rarely take AA life processes, including eating out, are generally men pay the bill, I hate AA, is home to buy a watermelon back,is also a person to pay half? Couldnt understand. However, significantly more, in China, some men and women can be accepted as such , in China, almost everyone has a sense of ownership. This, also when it comes to our country pension mechanism, welfare is not good so everyone wants to buy a house, have a stable home. Summary: in combination with foreigners and Chinese people, there will be many problems, but the precondition is that each have a tolerance, patience, patience is running to each other. You think Chinese people and Chinese people in two different people, with two different families are the same will produce a lot of problems, dont even say that is a transnational love!
