白领必需把握的办公室书面语 职场英语 (白领要有什么能力)

职场话题 0 31



1. In the middle of something? 正在忙吗? 此话愈加凑近Are you busy right now?(你这会儿忙不?) you busy? 的含义比拟广 也可指最近忙不忙?)大家不要小看这么小小的变动 假设你除了 Are you busy? 之外 有时还懂得刻意去用 In the middle of something? 我置信你的的英文说进去就会跟他人不一样. 举个例子吧 办公室里想找人八卦 又怕人家正在忙 这时你就可以问他 In the middle of something? (正在忙吗?) 2. What are you up to? 你正在作什么? 跟上方的例子一样 你正在作什么啊?这句话理论咱们就只会说 What are you doing? 这样子不会很无聊吗? 其实有时咱们可以换句话说. 例如: What are you up to? 雷同也是问人家你正在作什么. 承上例 假定你在办公室里 你想找人八卦 所以问共事 In the middle of something? 他回答 Kind of. (算是吧.) 这时你就可以冲破砂锅问究竟 What are you up to? (那你最近在忙什么啊?) 另外有时刻老美见面时也会问 What are you up to? 意思就是问你最近在作什么啊? 跟另一句问候语 Whats up? 意思上很凑近. 3. Can you just give me a ballpark figure? 能不能给我一个大约的数字. ballpark figure 的意思就是指大约的预计数字. 在公司里假设老板问会计 上个月水电费总共价格? 之后再加上一句 Just give me a ballpark figure. 意思就是我只需一个大约的数字就行了. 甚至有些老美懒到就只说 ballpark 所以老板也有或者会说 Ill need a ballpark of the revenue last year. (我要求去年的营收的大约数字.) 你就要自己知道这个 ballpark 是 ballpark figure 的意思. 4. Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002. 最关键的是: 咱们必需在 2002 年前转亏为盈. 大家看过财务报表没? 上方是一大堆密密层层的数字 通知你公司的资产有多少 折旧多少 应收帐款多少. 然而这些都不是最关键的 最关键的在最最上方那一行 (bottom line) 叫净赚 (Net earnings) 通知你这家公司总共加起到来底是赚钱还是赔钱 (这其实才是最关键的 不是吗?) 所以 bottom line 这个字起初就变成了有「最关键的是...」的意思. 例如商场上有句名言 In business If you dont take care of your customers somebody else will. And that is the bottom line. (假设你不关心你的顾客的话 其它的人会 这是最关键的准则. ) 另外 bottom line 也有「最后的底限」「不能再退让的准则」的意思. 例如老板可以劝诫员工 Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday. (我最后的底限是 咱们必需在星期五前运交这批货. ) 5. The new CFO was sent to bring the pany out of the red. 这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中挽救进去. 中国人青睐白色 所以股市大涨时盘面上都是红统统的一片. 不过欧美国度对白色的认知则大不相反 白色就示意盈余 赤字. 像之前提到的 bottom line 假设是用红笔写的 那就是示意公司全体过去说是赔钱的. 相反的假设是用黑笔写的 则示意是赚钱的. 所以咱们常可以听到 in the red 或是 in the black 这样的讲法 其实就是指公司赚不赚钱. 当然啦 咱们也可以用最便捷的讲法 lose money 和 make money 或是描画词 unprofitable 和 profitable来示意赔钱或赚钱. 例如这家公司是赚钱的 你可以说 This pany is in the black. The apny is making money. 或是 The pany is profitable. 都可以. 6. Shelly just called in sick. Shelly 刚打电话来病休. Call in sick 是一个在办公室内常会用到的片语 指的是有人打电话来说他生病了不能来下班. 这种事想也知道必定有相当的比例是偷懒而不想来下班而已 不然就是员工找借口群体罢工 例如 Some workers called in sick to have a strike. (有些工人借由群体打电话病休来罢工.)那假设是反常的病休 (sick leave/ medical leave) 要怎样讲? 你可以说 I need a sick leave for o days. (我要求请两天病假.) 或是假设是由于老婆要分娩了 想要请事假 (personal leave) 你可以说 Im asking for a three-day paid/unpaid personal leave for my wifes labor. (由于我老婆要生了 我想要请三天假.) 至于这个假是扣不扣钱? (paid/unpaid) 就看公司的政策而定了. 7. I just heard that seven people are going be laid off next month. 我刚听到公司下个月要裁七位员工. 公司要裁员的讲法有许多种 其中最经常出现的不外是 layoff 这个字 (假设分开来写: lay off 是动词 但合起来写 layoff 则是名词) . 例如 Cisco issues a profit warning plans layoffs. (思科颁布盈余警讯 方案裁员.) 当然还可以用比拟书面语的讲法说 cut jobs 或是 slash jobs 例如上一句咱们也可以说 Cisco plans to cut/slash jobs. (思科方案裁员.)要是真的可怜在美国被裁员了怎样办? 先记住两句话再说 第一句是 Whose decision was this? (这是谁的选择.) 俗语说冤有头债有主 先问分明了是谁动你的 未来要把汽车轮胎放气才知道要放哪一台. 另一句话就是 I am beeen jobs. 这句话在找新任务时很好用. 人家问你如今在作什么 你不要呆呆地说 I just got laid off. 多入耳啊! 你应该说 I am beeen jobs. 我正好在两个任务间的空档. 听起来比拟宛转. 8. He suggested we should go to eat after my graveyard shift. 他倡导说咱们可以在我的大夜班之后一同去吃物品. 轮班这个字在英文里叫 shift 例如三班制就叫 three shifts. 例如 We have to work in three shifts to keep the pany running. (咱们必需轮三班制来坚持工厂的运行.) 我想大家都知道三班制就是日夜 小夜班和大夜班. 在英文里夜班就是 day shift 或是 regular shift 小夜班是 night shift. 那大夜班呢? 有一个很幽默的讲法 叫 graveyard shift. 所以假设你要说明自己上的是大夜班 就可以这样说 I work on the graveyard shift. 9.I refuse to work overtime during the weekend. 我拒绝在周末时加班. 英文里加班叫 work overtime. 例如他人喊你今晚进来吃饭 你说 Sorry I have to work overtime. 就是通知他 很道歉 我今晚要加班. 不过幽默的是 除了「加班」可以叫 overtime 加班费也可以叫 overtime. 例如你可以大声地通知老板 You have to pay me overtime! (你必要求付我加班费.) 不过如今机遇歹歹 我看还是小声讲就好了.除了这个 pay overtime 之外 老美也罕用到另外两个字 一个叫 double time 另一个叫 time and one-half. Double time 指的是双倍的工资 而 time and one-half 或是 time and a half 则是指一倍半的工资. 例如老板叫你作一些额外的任务 你可以说 If you pay me double time Ill do it. (假设你付我双倍的工资 我就去做.) 再造一句 I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half. (我青睐在假日时任务 由于这时的工资算一倍半.)


职场的英语说法1:workplace职场的英语说法2:Career职场的相关短语:职场礼仪 Workplace manners ; Professional Etiquette职场英文 English for Business ; Career English职场消息 Job Information ;职场暴力 workplace violence ; occupational tacit violence职场故事 Career Stories职场情商 career quotient ;职场精英 Workplace elite ; Career Hero职场的英语例句:1. Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness.可怜地是, 许多职场如今是在漠视 、 原谅,甚至去激励这种恶浊.2. And the solution to most of those workplace nightmares?如何处置这种职场噩梦?3. The workplace plays a central role in promoting functional literacy and numeracy.职场在推行配置性识字和数理才干中表演著关键角色.4. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.赐我一股新力气投入职场任务.5. We need to be proactive and confront challenges in our career.咱们应该踊跃地迎接职场中的应战.6. We must avoid the & quot ; close breeding & quot ; phenomenon in companies.咱们要防止职场中的“远亲繁衍 ” 现象.7. New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace.新技术是瞬息万变的职场驱能源.8. The annual review is the professional equivalent of the report card.年度审查就相当于是职场人士的效果单.9. Hypomanics and manics generally have chaotic personal and professional relationships.轻度躁狂和躁狂患者的人际及职场相关,理论一团糟.10. Plenty of professionals want to meet the CEO, CIO, or C - whoever - can - help.不少职场人士想意识CEO 、 CIO等,以及任何只需能帮得上忙的治理层.11. In reality, careers and the workplace perplex me entirely.实践上, 事业和职场这两样物品我齐全搞问题.12. Cutthroat competition in office is shown in this TV play.这部电视剧反映了职场的强烈竞争.13. Professional English – This idiom also be used in a professional environment.职场英语–该习语还可在职业场所经常使用.14. A crisp button - down shirt a no - fail piece for the office.老练的有衣领口的衬衫是永不过气的职场穿着.15. The first steps into the workforce are often the most confusing.


英语书面语 频道为网友整顿的《职场英语书面语:征询离任与应聘要素》,供大家参考学习。

离任与应聘要素 你为什么离任呢? Why did you leave your last job? Why did you leave office? Why did you leave your position? Why did you give up your last job? For example: A: Why did you leave your last job?你为什么离任呢? B: Well,I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. 我宿愿能取得一份更好的任务。


My reason for leaving my present employment is simple because I see no chance of advancement. 我一星期前辞职,要素是由于和董事长意见和睦。

I left them a week ago,owing to a disagreement with the presi-dent. •owing to由于,由于 Owing to the rain,they could not come.由于下雨,他们未能够到。


I left the position with the desire of improving my position. 我退出目前任务的理由是为了追求更高的职位。

The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.•better 在此是动词,“使......更好” 我之所以退出目前的任务岗位,睢一的理由是宿愿能在一家贸易 公司取得更多的阅历。

The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain experience in a trading office. •本句是由相关副词why疏导的限度性定语从句,其后行词只能是reason。


I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling in my current job. •glass ceiling玻璃顶棚;极点,顶头 我宿愿在贸易方面能取得更宽泛的阅历。

I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading. I am desirous of gaining broader experience in trading. •desirous of 盼望 我为关照住在当地的年迈母亲而辞职。

I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city. 由于公司遣散,我只好离任。

I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. •on account of 由于,由于 The match was postponed on account of the weather. 由于天气相关,较量延期了。


I left the company because 1 found a full-time job after gradua¬tion.  这一次性环球性的经济不景气使我的雇主不得不完结业务。

My employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity. •due to +名词由于;为了;归于 She failed due to carelessness。



I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. 我想在贵公司任务的要素之一是贵公司关键做进进口贸易。

One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import and export trad. •deal with同......做买卖;与......打交道;处置;对付;论述 你为什么有兴味到咱们公司来任务? Why are you interested in working with this company? For example: A: Why are you interested in working with this company? 你为什么有兴味到咱们公司来任务? B: I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here. 我宿愿能无时机到这里来学致经常使用。

•be interested in... 对......有兴味 John is interested in jogging.约翰对慢跑有兴味。

你为什么想放开来咱们公司? Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? For example: A: Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? 你为什么想放开来咱们公司? B: Because I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of envi¬ronment. 由于我感觉在这样一个环境中任务会收获更多。


Because I am very interested in your companys training program. 我想找一个更具应战性的任务。

I am looking for a more challenging opportunity. I want to look for a more challenging chance. 我想把我的常识和阅历运行在一家大公司上。

I want to apply my knowledge and experience to a large firm. 我宿愿能有一份有优化时机的任务。

I hope to have a job that offers me an opportunity for advancement. 你为什么以为你能胜任这个任务? Why do you think you are qualified for this position? For example: A: Why do you think you are qualified for this position? 你为什么以为你能胜任这个任务? B: My major and working experience make me qualified for this position. 我的专业和任务阅历使我能胜任这个职位。


I am qualified for this position. I am fit for this position. I am competent for this position. I am equal to this position. 贵公司在这个市区名声很好。

Your company is very reputed in this city. For example: A: How do you know about this company?你是怎样知道咱们公司的?B: Your company is very reputed in this city.贵公司在这个市区名声很好。

你现实的任务是什么样的? How would you describe your ideal job? For example: A: How would you describe your ideal job?你现实的任务是什么样的?B: I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained,and offer me opportunity for advancement. 我以为应该能发扬我把握的专业常识,而且能为我提供降职的时机。

咱们为什么应该雇佣你呢? Why should we hire you? For example: A: Why should we hire you?咱们为什么应该雇佣你呢? B: Because I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability. 由于我任务刻苦,而且会竭力去做。

你怎样以为你对咱们有价值呢? What do you think you are worth to us? For example: A: What do you think you are worth to us? 你怎样以为你对咱们有价值呢? B: I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. 我感觉我对贵公司能做些踊跃性的奉献。

•be worth to对......有价值 你不青睐那个任务吗? Didnt you like the work? For example: A: Didnt you like the work?你不軎欢那个任务吗? B: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economically its fairly unstable. 是的,有些中央我很青睐,然而就经济而言,那个任务相当不稳固。

你选用咱们公司只是由于想拿高薪吗? Do you choose this company on account of high pay? For example: A: Do you choose this company on account of high pay? 你选用咱们公司只是由于想拿高薪吗? B: No,not only for the high pay, but also for a good working environ¬ment. 不,不只是为了高薪,更为了良好的任务环境。


Its such a working environment that I am looking for. •那样......致使;由于......所以 She spoke such a fast way that we could not follow her. 她说得那么快,致使于咱们都听问题她。


I also applied at Sony Co.,in case I may not be accepted here. For example: A: Have you applied for work with any other companies? 你有没有向别家公司放开纵务? B: I also applied at Sony Co.,in case I may not be accepted here. 由于有或者不被你们录用,我也向索尼公司递交了放开。

•in case假设;万一;以防 In case anybody calls me,tell him I will be back at seven. 假设有人打电话给我,通知他我7点回来。

你曾求职失败的要素是什么? Whats the reason why you failed to get that post? Why dont you think you got that job? For example: A: Whats the reason why you failed to get that post? 你求职失败的要素是什么? B: My domicile isnt in this city. Thats the sole reason for my failure to get the post. 我的户籍不在本市,那就是我被拒绝的独一理由。


Theyve turned me down. For example: A: Whats the result of your application to that company? 你在那家公司应聘结果怎样样? B: Theyve turned me down.他们曾经拒绝了我。

•turn down 拒绝 我感觉这样的任务或者会让你感觉很无聊。

I have the feeling you might get bored with a job like this. 这份任务远低于你的才干。

This is very below what youre capable of. •be capable of 能够 这份任务比拟合乎我所找的任务类型。

This is more like what I was looking for. 我怎样知道,你能不能接受这份任务所带来的压力? How do I know you can handle the pressure of a job like this? 你想要找同一类型的任务还是情愿尝试其余任务? Do you want the same kind of job or are you open to other types of work? For example: A: Do you want the same Kind of job or are you open to other types of work? 你想要找同一类型的任务还是情愿尝试其余任务? B: Well,Im an accountant,and I want to stay in accounting.我是会计师,宿愿能够留在这一行。


Id like to check it out. 我要求养家糊口。

I have a family to provide for. 我青睐让自己忙碌,去做一些关键的事。

I like to keep busy and have something important to do. 那家公司太小,不利于我学习任务阅历。

The firm is too small for me to widen my experience. •太......而不能 我以为在贵公司任务岂但令人振奋,而且能应战自己。

I think it would be exciting and challenging to work for your company. 我过去的任务阅历与这份任务严密相关。

My past work experience is closely related to this job. •related to与……相关 假设我感觉任务有开展,我想我将不时任务到退休。

If I feel rm making progress in the work,I think Ill work until the age limit. •age limit退休年龄 我放开为贵公司任务是想在此充沛发扬自己的才气。

I have applied to work for your company in the hope of fully displaying my talents here.•in the hope of怀着宿愿 我宿愿能在这份任务中结识来自不同文明背景的人。

I hope I can meet people from different cultural backgrounds in this job. 我置信,在一家像你们这样规模虽小但开展却快的公司里我会得 到更好的时机。

I believe I would have better opportunities working in a small but rapidly expanding company like yours. 假设你被两家公司同时录用,你会选用哪家? If both companies employ you,whose offer will you accept? For example: A: If both companies employ you, whose offer will you accept? 假设你被两家公司同时录用,你会选用哪家? B:Needless to say, my first choice is your company. 那还用说吗?必需是你们公司。

你选用任务关键思考什么? Whats your main consideration in your job-hunting? For example: A: Whats your main consideration in your job-hunting? 你选用任务关键思考什么? B: The interest. Only when I have interest in something, can I devote my life to do it and have success with it. 兴味。


•consideration(n.)体谅,思考 为什么我要聘用你? Why should I hire you? For example: A: Why should I hire you?为什么我要聘用你? B: Because I can take care of business for you. 由于我会把你的事业关照得很好。

你为什么不选用你实习的那家公司? Why dont you choose the company where you worked as a trainee? For example: A: Why dont you choose the company where you worked as a trainee? 你为什么不选用你实习的那家公司? B: The employees are promoted according to their seniority in rank. 那家公司论资排辈很严重。


I expect to operate computers. I wish to operate computers. I want to operate computers. I hope to operate computers. I,d like to operate computers. 我想应聘我。

Id rather work in editor. I wish to work in editor. I hope to have work in editor. Id like to work in editor.


1.习用书面语句子: Ive come to say goodbye.我是来告别的。

Id like to say tloodbve to everyone.我要向诸位告别啦。

“say goodbye to sb.”的意思是“向某人说再见,向某人道别”。

Im off tomorrow.我明日出发。


My flight leaves at 8 pm.我坐的是早晨8点的航班。

Im catching the 9:15 train tomorrow moming.我要赶明日早上9:15的火车。

flight n. 航班,航行 Goodbye and thank you for all you have done for me.= Goodbye and thank you for everything.再见了,谢谢你为我所做的所有。

Im so sad to leave.要走了,我很惆怅。

I wish I could stay, but I have to go.我真宿愿我能留下,但我真的得走。

Be sure to drop me a line.必定给我写信啊。

Rpmember to write to me.记着给我写信。 白领必需把握的办公室书面语

remember v. 记得,记起drop sb.a line“写信给某人” Dont forget to give me a ring.别忘了给我打电话。

forget v. 遗记(过去式为forgot,过去分词为forgotten)ring n. & v. 打电话“give sb.a ring=call sb.”意思是“打电话给某人”。

Please dont forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.= Please remember me to all the other people in your family.请别忘了代我向您家里的其他人告别。

Remember to look me up if youre over in New York city.要是来纽约的话,要记得来看我。

look sb. up“探访/访问某人” 2.适用对话 Taking Leave告别 Jim:I want to say goodbye to everyone.吉姆:我想向诸位告一般。

Lily:Youre leaving so soon. When are you off?莉莉:你这么快就走啊。

什么时刻出发?Jim :Im catching the 9:15 train tomorrow moming.吉姆:我要赶明日早上9:15的火车。

Lily:How about I come and see you off?莉莉:那我来送你怎样样?Jim:You really dont need to.吉姆:你真的不用这么费事。

Lily:OK Ill miss you. I hOPe we can see each other again soon.莉莉:好吧。



Jim:I hope so, too. Thank you. Lily. Thank you for everything.吉姆:我也宿愿如此。



Lily:Youre welcome.莉莉:别客气嘛。

Jim:Please say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.吉姆:请代我向你家里的其他人道别。

Lily: OK. Take care, and I hope you have a good joumey.莉莉:好的。


Jim:Thank you. Remember to look me up if youre ever in Washington.吉姆:谢谢。


Lily:Of course, I will.莉莉:当然了,我会的。

Jim:Goodbye then. Thanks again for everything.吉姆:那么再见了。


3.具体解说 3.“usee sb. off”的意思是“为某人送行,送某人”,例如:My parents saw me off at the airport.(我父母在机场为我送行。

)He saw his friend off at the bus station.(他在车站给好友送行。

)另内在书面语中,“see ”还可以示意“(在较量、抗争中)将某人战败或逐进来”,例如:The home team saw the challengers off by 68 points to 47.(主队以68比47战败应战者。

)2.“take care”的意思是“珍重,珍重”,是书面语用法,在向好友或家人道别时经常经常使用,例如:Take care! See you next month.(珍重!下个月见。

)3.“Have a good joumey.”是“旅途欢快!”的意思,用于给某人送行时。

4.文明洗礼 布什的告别演说 Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. The first decade of this new century has been a period of conseauence(关键性,严重)-atime set apart.(各位同胞:在过去的八年里作为你们的总统,我深感荣幸。


)Tonight, with a thankful heart, I have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on I the joumey that we have traveled together and the future of our nation.(今晚,怀着感恩之心,请准许我在这最后的时机分享一些想法,一些无关咱们独特走过的历程和国度未来的想法。

)Five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of American democracy. In a tradition dating back to our founding, the presidency will pass to a successor chosen by you, the American people. Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose history reflects the enduring promise of our land. (五天之后,环球将见证美国独裁的生机。



)It has been the privilege(不凡荣幸,特意待遇)of a lifetime to serve as vour President. There ha,ve been good days and tough days. But every day I have been inspired by the trreatness of our country and uplifted by the goodness of our people. I have been blessed to represent this nation we love. And I will always be honored to carry a title that means more to me than any other: citizen of the United States of America.(能够成为你 们的总统,是我永世的荣幸。





)And so, my fellow Americans, for the final time, good night. May God bless this house and our next president. And may God bless you and our wonderful country.(所以,美国同胞们,我最后一次性道一声:晚安。


