博士面试技巧 Why I Am the Right Candidate for This PhD Programme

面试技巧 0 25

1. What makes you think you are the right candidate for this PhD programme? (是什么是你认为你是这个博士项目的合适候选人?)

I completed a master's degree in XXX, with a focus on the effects of XXX topic. After finishing my degree, I took a gap year to travel through XXX, where I learned more about the XXX problems in various countries. This PhD programme strongly aligns with my previous research and field of interest because it concerns the access and availability of XXX. I hope to use my research to improve XXX.


2. Why do you want to pursue a PhD?(你为什么想读博士?)

I tutored first-year students while earning my master's degree and quickly realised that I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others. In an academic setting, I also feel at ease and energised. such as one-to-one competition. My research in XXX is something I am very passionate about, and I believe it is a very relevant topic in our world today. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge in this field and making a valuable academic contribution.


3. What do you plan to do after you have completed your PhD? (博士毕业后你有什么规划?)

Since receiving my bachelor's degree, I've had a clear vision of the career I want to pursue. After finishing my PhDin XXX, I hope to obtain XXX license and start my own practise. I intend to specialise in XXX and comprehend how they contribute to their community.



4. Why have you chosen this PhDprogram? (你为什么选择这个博士项目?)

I've wanted to join this XXX department since I was a junior in high school because it's one of the best in the country. I particularly admire Professor Meyer's work and am aware that he is a leading academic in transnational crime fiction. Because of his efforts, I decided to pursue a master's degree in this field. He would be an honour to be my PhDadvisor.

在组织这个问题的回复时,最重要的时要提供明确、具体理由。比如,你可以表达你的研究兴趣与该项目的研究领域契合度很高,而其他PhD Programme没有类似的方向,或者可以说你有特别感兴趣的potential supervisor或课题。

5. What impact would you like your PhDproject to have? (你希望你的博士项目有什么影响?)

I am deeply committed to raising XXX. That is why I initially pursued a degree in XXX. I began focusing my master's research on XXX. My PhDresearch will be an extension of my master's degree, as I want to XXX.


Rachel学姐团队有五年半的海外博士申请辅导经验,多年来积累了众多院校的面试真题,在面试辅导时,会根据大家的CV和RP的具体内容,结合往年的面试真题,有针对性地准备interview questions,还会通过开展全真模拟面试,还原真实面试场景博士面试技巧,根据大家在模拟面试时的表现进行评价反馈,并给出修改完善建议,能够帮助大家最大程度提高面试成功率!感兴趣的同学可以扫描下方二维码,直接咨询Rachel学姐~





