一百词左右 你最现实的上班环境为题的英语作文 (一百词左右你怎么读)

职场话题 0 22



As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.


As the world is getting more densely populated,pollution presents a severe people make more this waste is polluting our has a bad influence on our air is pollnted by the smoke and fog coming out of the factory die for want of fresh river is polluted and the fish are unfit to is noise pollution made by cars and factories,etc,which hurts the is high time we did something about pollution.I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into cur common efforts,we will make a clean and purified environment for life and work.污染随着环球人口密度的增长,污染成了重大疑问.人多发生的废物就多.一切的渣滓都在污染环境.污染重大地影响咱们的生活.工厂的烟囱里冒出的烟雾污染空气.植物由于缺少新颖空气而枯死.河流污染,鱼不能生活.汽车、工厂收回噪音对人耳有害.是对污染采取措施的时刻了.我倡导多植树以坚持空气新颖.咱们应该使水污染,应用废物,转害为利.经过独特致力,咱们将发明一个清洁、漂亮的生活、上班环境.


The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life. Besides, forest destruction , water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. First of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of sustainable development, and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been s more, every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment. In addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.对于环境包全的作文咱们生活的环球正变得越来越难以忍受,由于对环境的破坏. 禽流感和SARS的是两个典型的例子,对环境的破坏,或者危及自己的生命. 此外,森林破坏,水和空气污染造成缩小种植业土地及不欢快的天气.重大的疑问,看来,咱们可以得出一些措施来对付它. 首先,当局应该采取的政策是可继续开展 , 法律和无关环保上班应该要付诸实施,执法不严,正如我国政府不时在做的事.何况, 每个公民都应该明确疑问的重大性,并独特致力,为包全咱们的环境. 此外,植树无利于改善和赞美环境.


With the development of Chinese economy and the increasing improvement of traffic conditions, the flow of migrant workers have become increasingly frequent. Because the city can find relatively well-paying jobs, many of the original people living in rural areas to cities in search of work in order to improve their lives. Exactly how to get these out of the living conditions of migrant workers and the working environment? To truly understand the migrant workers working environment, hereby expand the survey. The survey of Daqing and the self-employed small factories as the main body, deep into the lives of migrant workers to seek information. According to the requirements of my school ideological and political theory of practice in teaching the implementation details of the ideological and political theory courses off-campus social practice will start the weekend. In order to complete my school this practice teaching tasks, hereby launched the survey. The survey mainly taken field trips, internships and interviews form to working in a small factory in Daqing City and self-employed migrant workers as the main survey, in order to effectively understand the working conditions of migrant workers undertaken. Through field visits and interviews, basic grasp of the current situation within the scope of the work environment in the region surveyed migrant workers, and some of the outstanding issues, and put forward the views of the relative improvement. After this survey, there are many of my own harvest. Second, to expand the activities of the working environment includes not only the seat of the ecological environment of workers, including work relationships, accommodation and catering environments, spare the lives of (spiritual life), and so a lot of work and workers are closely related to each class sum of all kinds of surroundings. Can make a good living environment for the pleasure, physical and mental health, very help improve work efficiency, rich spiritual life, can be said to have a good working environment is often able to do more with less. Thus, a good working environment is extremely important. In order to better understand migrant working conditions of migrant workers exactly how to better improve the working conditions of migrant workers, especially in the survey as an opportunity to practice, carried out on the Daqing migrant workers work environment survey. Daqing terrain, street aspect, type and quantity of many factories, the situation is not conducive to personal visits and investigations carried out one by one. So I plant a classification, mainly engaged in light industry, processing and logistics of factories and workers to visit and interview. For the number of plants more this, I took a random way, for the same type of plant in the same location, just randomly picked interim few to visit and investigate. For the number of the requirements of practice (number not more than two) and limitations on funding, this social practice can not expand the use of questionnaires. Determine the location and survey methods of investigation, the next is in the field of study. I first came to Daqing some small clothing factory, logistics companies and a number of materials processing plants. In the description of what he wanted, the majority of the factory management agreed to my interview his companys workers. Then I came to logistics companies, fabrics, cuffs some exotic plants and local staff to open a small shop and shop early to visit and study. To facilitate the statistics, in the interview I mentioned the problems are concentrated, mainly in the following questions: 1. You are satisfied with your work environment? 2. Where not satisfied? 3. You want your work environment in which aspects can be improved?4. How to improve? Most of the workers of my questions made a detailed answer by talking with them, I have specific knowledge of the status of the working environment of these workers. In addition, I also surrounding these study sites were observed. The local ecological environment and recreational facilities were studied. Ecological different locations surrounding has a relatively large difference, recreational facilities and entertainment are also some differences. This interview also affect migrant workers to answer my questions made. Through this investigation, I visited a total of more than twenty various types of Daqing factories and companies, of different ages and different sexes of migrant workers engaged in a dialogue, and recorded some of the results of the interview. Under the premise of the existing time, energy and money, and I visited visited the maximum range, as many types of plants and the self-employed. Therefore, the findings of the draw is that under current conditions the most accurate. Third, the results and the results of the statistical analysis through field visits and interviews with survey results of more scattered, I have been the results of these statistics and analysis. The main interview in age groups were classified, and then in different people ages resulting reaction summarize and statistics. Through the survey found that most of the migrant workers work very long hours every day, basically no holidays, so after living for workers and workers is extremely scarce. Site visits found that migrant workers work location is not very good ecological environment, natural river has serious pollution, mainly wastewater and domestic sewage plants caused. For the interviews after the analysis of the results obtained: only about 30% of people are satisfied with their work environment. Workers aged 20 to 30 years old have 70% think long working hours, workers aged 40 to 50 have about 40% of people feel that long working hours, while 30 to 40-year-old worker is only about 20% think long working hours. In the spiritual life, 20 to 30 year-old worker has about 70% of workers feel the lack of spiritual life, 30 to 40 years around 14% of workers feel the lack of spiritual life, 40 to 50 years old about 15% of workers feel spiritual life scarce. In terms of environmental sanitation, about two percent of migrant workers feel that their workplace environment in which poor, migrant workers feel about Qicheng workplace health environment with their rural home about, only less than one percent of migrant workers find work to the environment better than their rural home. In terms of accommodation, about 30% of people feel the need to improve the food conditions. About 40% of people feel the need to improve accommodation. In terms of entertainment, most people said they did not concern. In the work environment improvements, we feel the need to shorten working hours, rest days to develop people, followed by improving accommodation conditions. For spiritual life and health conditions, fewer people feel the need to improve, we are able to endure expressed. How to improve, we do not give a clear solution. He said if the pursuit of high welfare, high treatment is difficult to find work, and shorter working hours will inevitably reduce their remuneration for work. Remuneration in exchange for reducing the good working environment, we have said rather bad work environment will find relatively well-paying jobs, out of the city to find work because of his original intention was to find a high-wage jobs in order to contribute to family expenses.
