《Consider Options》
It is important to takethe time to consider our options and to evaluate the choices so that wehave time to work, time to play and time to make sure our life is asfulfilling as it can be. After all, the time we do have to get itright is limited. Sister Jean C. Peters, CSJ says in the CSJ NewslineI do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives, but itcannot have the only place. A sense of leisure and a spirit of playneed space in us as well.
Jean 在CSJ资讯纵横上说:只管我不并不倡导生命中不要致力上班,然而致力上班也不应该占据生存中的惟一位置。
求一篇以如何坚持上班和生存的平衡为题的 英语作文
How To Find Balance Between Work and Life“Balance is beautiful.” -Miyoko Ohno, Japanese bridge designerI have a close friend named Norm who is a great photographer and a great person in general … recently he was telling me that all he does is might sound familiar to some of you — I’ve certainly been there at different points in my life, although these days I have to say that I’ve found a pretty good balance between all the important things in my life, including work, family, and other things I’m interested asked me to write a post about work-life balance, because although I think Norm is pretty happy with his life, he’s interested in expanding his life beyond work. I think it’s an interesting question that most of us have to address at some point or *Is* Life, To Some ExtentThe first thing to point out is that work isn’t separate from life — it’s a part of it. For some people, it’s not a fun part of life, but for others, it’s a passion. Either way, it’s a part of our lives, good or course, when people talk about a work-life balance, they mean that we should find a balance between work and our personal lives, which is definitely true. But it’s important to realize that if work is really something you love, you don’t need to cut it short in order to spend more time at home in front of the the key is to remember that what we’re looking for is a balance between the things we love — not just work and the rest of life, but work and family and hobbies and chores and everything Do You Love?What are the things you love to do? That’s the question to start with. My friend Norm loves photography, but I think he also really enjoys jiu-jitsu and spending time with close friends, among other things. For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running. What’s on your short list?One of the things on your list might be your work — or the work you want to do (as opposed to the work you’re doing right now). But others could include your favorite hobbies or other passions, ways to relax and have fun, exercise or other outdoor activities, reading and learning, shopping or eating or entertainment, volunteering, or spending time with people who are important to you. There are as many other possibilities as there are people in the world, of your short list now, and then continue to the next Space in Your LifeIt’s time to take a Big Picture look at your life — how are you spending your time right now? How long do you work (and how much of that time is spent on doing what you really love about your work)? What do you do before and after work? What do you do on your days off?Now think about all the things you do, and how many of them are on your short list. For the things not on your short list, what can you eliminate? Some things might be big commitments that are hard to get out of — but over time, you can get out of them. Learn to say no, and learn how to tell people that you can no longer commit to doing something. It’s not always easy, but remember that this is your life, and you should do what you really want to do, not what others want you to think hard about how you can eliminate the non-essential things in your life (the non-short list stuff). Work on this over time, and create the space in your life that you need for the things you love. Be sure to allot that time you’ve created to the things on your short list — don’t just use it up with television or other space That BalanceOnce you’ve created space in your life for the things you love, it’s just a matter of finding the right balance between them. You could have a life filled with all the things you love doing, but it could still be almost all work. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with that if you love your work and it doesn’t have negative consequences (on your health or family relationships, for example), for many people it’s better to have other things balancing out their is a balance between several things that you love better than just one thing that you love? Well, there are a number of reasons that would depend on your situation. For one thing, if you have an office job you might not be getting outdoors enough, or getting enough exercise, and your health might suffer. Another reason is that you might have family and/or friends and if you work all the time you’re neglecting them — and those relationships will suffer. You might also get lonely if you work all the time. Another major problem is burnout — working all the time (or doing any activity all the time) can lead to stress and fatigue, and could make that activity less is a good thing — it keeps life interesting. So mix things up a bit. Here are some ideas for doing that:* Schedule time blocks. This is good for those who use their calendar a lot or can stick to schedules well. Schedule chunks of time throughout your week for all the things that are important. I suggest scheduling everything but work first (unless you’re on a set work schedule and always start and end at the same time) … this will ensure that you get everything in and that work doesn’t overwhelm the schedule. Be sure not to overschedule, filling up every free minute, because no schedule is kept to the minute. Better to have space between your time blocks than to have to skip something because the previous block ran too long.
wlb是什么意思 互联网
1. WLB理论指的是上班与生存之间的平衡。
2. “WLB”是“Work/Life Balance”的缩写,这一律念在职场中十分关键。
3. 上班/生存平衡的英文全称是“Work/Life Balance”。
4. 中文将“Work/ Life Balance”译为“上班/生存平衡”。
5. 在职场中,“上班/生存平衡”的拼音理论写作“gōng zuò shēng huó píng héng”。
6. “上班/生存平衡”这一缩写词在商务畛域广为人知,其盛行度很高。
7. 职业定位不只关乎自我认知,也触及向他人展现你的长处。
8. 正确的职业定位关于团体的久远开展至关关键。
9. 许多人职业开展不顺并非才干疑问,而是由于选用了不适宜自己的上班。
10. 明白自我认知和职业方向,能够协助人们更好地布局职业生涯,防止在不适宜的畛域内自觉谋求。
11. 定位准确有助于人们专一于自己真正长于和感兴味的上班,进而在竞争中坚持长处,成功继续开展。