Female leaders have little issue defining the rules that lead to success in their various industries. But ask them about the rules dictating how professional women should present themselves to optimize their career goals and there’s a good chance your question will be met with hesitation.
Why? For women in the workplace, the whole appearance topic is nothing short of a contradiction-riddled minefield.
They’ve been told attractive people are better off. Thanks to an innate human bias that’s become known as the “what is beautiful is good” effect, beautiful employees are seen as more intelligent, more competent, more everything-that’s-good. Attractiveness has been found to lead to more job interviews, more job offers, higher income and greater overall success.
But wait! That’s not the whole story.
There’s also something known as the “beauty is beastly effect.” Beauty, apparently, can actually work against you. In fact, it can bring you increased discrimination in hiring and on the job, as well as less trust and loyalty when you’re a leader.“Women are in an impossible catch-22 when it comes to advice on appearance,” says Selena Rezvani, author of Pushback and a speaker and consultant on women and leadership. “Most modern advice on appearance suggests you find a perfect balance between acknowledging your femininity but not overemphasizing it. This increasingly thin line is hard to locate for the average woman, let alone translate and personalize. The short message to women is: your femininity is an asset and liability.”
From makeup to hair color, metrics measuring attractiveness and success are all over the map. Studies in both the U.S. and the U.K. (both sponsored by cosmetics companies, it must be noted) have concluded that the stuff can help you appear more competent on the job. But again, watch out! Wear too much — or not in quite the right way — or just generally look like you’ve spent a lot of time on your grooming, and you might find that you earn less or appear less trustworthy. Going gray has long been considered more of a challenge for women than for men (does it signify experience and wisdom, or just old age?), but even other colors have unspoken connotations. During tough economic times, blonde women have been reported to dye their hair darker so as to be taken more seriously.
“Whether it’s about our appearance or whether or not to assert ourselves, we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t,” says Bonnie Marcus, president and CEO of Women’s Success Coaching. “It’s a balancing act that ambitious women need to be aware of.”
女性职业咨询网站Women’s Success Coaching的总裁兼首席执行官邦妮•马库斯表示:“无论我们的外表是否得体,无论我们是否坚持自我,我们怎么做都会遭到非难。有追求的女性需要了解这种平衡之道。”
There’s not an easy solution. “I believe the only general statement you can make about this is that women need to be savvy about the culture of their organization,” Marcus says. As the old saying goes, “dress for the job you want,” she adds.
Rezvani draws two guiding principles from the most successful women executives she’s worked with. First, “they ‘fit in with flair,’ meaning they generally conform to the look of their work culture or industry and—to a lesser extent—demonstrate their own personal style,” she explains. Second, “they round up, not down, in terms of formality, even as the American workplace gets increasingly casual.”
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is a good example, Rezvani says: “Mayer is known for her feminine, modern-chic suits and dresses, a look that telegraphs that she embraces her femininity and appreciates fashion. Yet her ‘flair’ is quiet enough that her clothes don’t detract from her verbal message. She also looks considerably more formal than most in the legendarily casual industry of IT.”
Neena Newberry, president of Newberry Executive Solutions, says women should think about what they want to be known for. “If someone were to describe you, what are the top three things you’d want them to say?” she explains. “Regardless of the rules, figure out who you want to be and bring it to life in language and appearance.”
高管培训机构Newberry Executive Solutions的总裁妮娜•纽贝里表示,女性需要想清楚,希望别人注意到自己的哪些方面。她解释道:“如果有人要描述你,你最想要他们说出哪三个词?抛开束缚,想清楚你要做什么样的人,并在谈吐和外表上实现它。”
But ultimately, the most successful women don’t get too caught up in all the attractiveness hullabaloo. It is your inner qualities that set you apart, says Erica Ariel Fox, president of Mobius Executive Leadership and author of Winning from Within.
不过最终,那些最成功的女性不会在魅力问题上太受困扰。高管培训机构Mobius Executive Leadership的总裁、《赢在内心》(Winning from Within)的作者艾丽卡•阿里尔•福克斯表示,让你与众不同的是你的内在品质。
“We all know people who stand out because of a sparkle they bring into a room,” Fox says. “That’s what people remember—your spark.”
化妆:化妆可以让女性更具魅力,但不宜浓装颜抹。过度打扮会让人感到做坐,过于简单会让人感到随便,总之有一个原则,每天的打扮必须要迎合你当天要会见的人们,符合他们的身份和专业度, 让自己不寒酸掉价。
稳重有权威的颜色包括:海军蓝、灰色、碳黑、淡蓝、黑色、栗色、锈色、棕色、驼色;要避免浅黄、粉红、浅格绿或橘红色。少而 精,重质量轻数量,讲究做工和面料,要合身。避免冲动性购买,如果你是属于这样的人,那么要切记你要买的衣服必须和你已买的衣服相配。精打细算,量入为 出,但不可贪图小便宜因小失大。采用一些天然面料如“棉,丝,羊毛等。
随着妇女年龄的增长,头发也应该相应剪短一些,一般来说妇女到了30-35岁这个年龄也最多把头发留到肩部。在职业女性中,染指甲 已经司空见惯了,但指甲油的颜色不应该选得太亮丽,这样会使别人的注意力只集中在你的指甲上,选一些和你口红相配的颜色,有些人喜欢透明色指甲油,它是大 众都能接受的颜色。
职业女性希望表现的是她们的聪明才智,能力和经验等,所以要带首饰就必须是佩带简单首饰,不要带摇摆晃动的耳环或一走路就会发出 声响的项链,这样对专业形象的杀伤力极大。耳环是很重要的首饰,但不宜太长太大;虽然眼镜让人感觉文气,但它抹杀了女性特有的亲和力,比较古板刻薄,可考 虑戴隐形眼睛;手提包要精小细致,不要塞的满满的。