
面试技巧 0 37







面试英语完全攻略208句_面试技巧 英文版_面试技巧英文

1、What sort of manager are you? What makes a good manager?


A good manager is one who listens to other people and can delegate while maintaining overall control of the task at hand, bringing in the project on time and to budget. Good planning skills are essential.


2、Do you need other people around to stimulate you or are you self-motivated? Can you act on your own initiative?


You need to say that you are self-motivated.


面试技巧 英文版_面试英语完全攻略208句_面试技巧英文

3、Are you accepted into a team quickly?


You should answer "Yes" and describe previous team experiences.


4、How do you run a meeting?你是如何开会的?

You could say that you must start with an agenda and stick to it. You could add that you would try to get the views and ideas from everyone present. If people moved off at a tangent you would bring them back to the item being discussed.



5、What management style gets the best results out of you?


Try and think about how you have reacted to different managers and which factors have motivated you. Be sure your answer matches the management style of the company you are applying to!

试着想想你对不同管理者的反应面试技巧 英文版,以及哪些因素激励了你。确保你的答案符合你申请的公司的管理风格!

6、What motivates you?什么激励着你?

Discuss career growth, opportunity to learn new skills, good co-workers, etc.


7、Do you know how to motivate other people?你知道如何激励他人吗?

You should answer "Yes", and say that you have to find out what motivates a person and give them recognition for a job well done. You should always give them encouragement and help them when required.


面试英语完全攻略208句_面试技巧英文_面试技巧 英文版

8、Are you competitive?你有竞争力吗?

Your answer depend on the sort of job you are doing. If you will be working as part of a team you will need to show that you can work in the best interests of the team and not just for your own benefit.

你的答案取决于你所做的工作。如果你将作为团队的一部分工作,你需要证明你可以为团队的最佳利益而工作面试技巧 英文版,而不仅仅是为了你自己的利益。

9、Are you aggressive?你有攻击性吗?

You could answer – “If you mean by this someone who gets things done, then the answer is yes.”


10、What do you dislike doing?你喜欢做什么?

Say that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to get the job done well and on time and try to do disagreeable things first to get them out of the way rather than putting them off.


11、What would you like to avoid in your next job?你希望在下一份工作中避免什么?

You should be positive here and say that there is nothing in particular that you would like to avoid.

